Hidden Chiquita Lake And, just like that, summer feels like the stirrings of Fall. Most of the smoke from the wildfires has blown past us. The sky is blue again. Cloudless again. Yes, the nights are cooling, and the fan is no longer needed in the bedroom at night. The days are mostly lovely, though an occasional slightly-too-warm day arrives now and then. I'm fairly certain that just as I get comfortable with this trend, September will drop a heat wave on us once again. I will accept it gladly, if I can make it to the houseboat for some swimming. I have not had enough swimming in the lake this summer. I'm not sure why swimming in the lake is so much more meaningful than swimming in my own pool at my own home, but it decidedly is. I love the moment the water closes over my head as I plunge into that very clear, deep green, lake water. I think often as I swim around the boat about how far below me the bottom is. Well o...
My creative outlets have all dried up, it seems. I think I may be searching for new places to scratch in some ideas. Le Voila! A solution! My blog is born.
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