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A Plug For My Dad--check out this BOOK!

(the title line above is a link that will open a window to my Father's book site on Amazon)

My Dad! My Dad! I want to tell the world about my amazing father! The link given here is a long one, yes, but bear with me.

My father, Alan Holmes, is a published author. His writing is wonderful, colorful, and heart-felt in a way that is seldom seen. His memoirs of growing up in the northern provinces of France--just as World War II is approaching on quiet feet-- are whimsical, and amazingly rich with detail.

If historical novels are of any interest to you, his book "In the Moon" [subtitled "Dans La Lune"] will touch your heart and leave you hoping for the speedy delivery of my father's further memoirs. He promises to keep working. Alan's book is published through Xlibris Books, and can be found on Amazon and other book sites.


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