My path in life has never been typical. Being, among many other things, an engineer, I view my life's trajectory in a flow chart manner; I look back and see that everything was a series of either/or junctures. In this way, I can see, (I fantasize), how my life would have looked if those roads less taken had been the road taken, instead. And, sometimes, I have to admit, that some roads were not taken just because I came face to face with a decision I had been working up to, and then it just seemed too..... scary. I hate that there are certain things I’ve gotten close to doing or goals I’ve gotten close to realizing, I have veered always from at the last minute because the pressure of getting that close was so intimidating. I know that I can’t list a LOT of “near misses” in my lifetime. Perhaps I can choose to view that as its own sort of success. I mean, veering is human, right? I don’t spend a lot of time reflecting on things I wish I’d done....
My creative outlets have all dried up, it seems. I think I may be searching for new places to scratch in some ideas. Le Voila! A solution! My blog is born.
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