Original work by Nicola Holmes, copyright 2002 (completion date), (2018) first publication. I’ll See You In the Fall By the time I arrived at UC Davis, I’d been a student again for about three years. Returning to college at the age of 28 held both perqs and drawbacks. At Davis, I worried about being viewed as ‘old’–I was 31 when I started my first full-time quarter there–and I wondered if I could keep up with the competitive population of each of my classes. I loved the feel of the campus, and this bolstered my resolution to keep fighting. The UC Davis campus felt like an old friend to me. I’d attended summer classes there during my Junior College years, hoping to get ahead on my coursework, and to prepare myself for the pace of university classes. Summer was hot and quiet at UCD, but the Fall–the Fall season at UCD was amazing. While the many trees were busy turning their cloaks to gold and red, the bustling pace of stu...
My creative outlets have all dried up, it seems. I think I may be searching for new places to scratch in some ideas. Le Voila! A solution! My blog is born.
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